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S. Hasler, W.A. Heinmann, G. Nussbaum, U. Urlau, Y. Schiegg, C.H. Voute, H. Böhni, M. Lima, W. Kurz, H.R. Kohler, C. Bischoff, „TOP12—The innovative reinforcing steel”, Materials Week 2000, Munich, Paper No. 665
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Y. Schiegg, C.-H. Voûte, M. Brem, H. Böhni, S. Hasler and U. Urlau, “Stainless Steel Reinforcements in Concrete Structures—Results of Laboratory and Field Investigations,” in: International Conference on Concrete in Marine Environments, Ed. N. D. Anh and M. W. Braestrup, IABSE Vietnam National Center for Natural Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam (2002), p. 193-202
Schiegg, Y., Böhni, H., Hunkeler, F., „Monitoring von Betonbauten bezüglich Bewehrungskorrosion,“ in: Betonbau in der Schweiz, The first fib-Congress, October 13–19, 2002, Osaka, Japan, 56–59
Schiegg, Y., Böhni, H., Hunkeler, F., „Online-Monitoring of Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structures“, The first fib-Congress, October 13-19, 2002, Osaka, Japan
Schiegg, Y., Voute, C.-H., Peter, H., Hasler, S., Urlau, U., „Initiation and Corrosion Propagation of Stainless Steel Reinforcements in Concrete Structures“, Proc. Eurocorr’04, Nice, France, 2004
Y. Schiegg, F. Hunkeler, L. Klemm, "Korrosionsschäden an Brücken – aktuelle Beispiele Monitoring von AAR-geschädigten Bauwerken", 3-Länder-Korrosionstagung 2015, EMPA Dübendorf, 2015 [Publikation]